Kantum Pharma Highlights New Research Demonstrating Beneficial Effects of P2Y14 Antagonist in Acute Kidney Injury
May 27, 2020CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 27, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Kantum Pharma Inc. (Kantum), a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing therapies for the prevention and treatment of damaging inflammation triggered by the innate immune system, announced today the publication of new research demonstrating the therapeutic potential of the Company’s lead program for preventing and treating acute kidney injury (AKI). The paper, which describes the groundbreaking research on the uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucose/P2Y14 receptor signaling pathway in the kidney led by Kantum’s scientific founder Dr. Sylvie Breton, was published in the JournalĀ of Clinical Investigation, a leading peer-reviewed translational medicine publication. In addition, the journal Nature Reviews Nephrology has published a Research Highlight describing the significance of Dr. Breton’s team’s findings.